Sunday, April 3, 2011

Info Larian #1

Okay geng, minggu ni takde post terminologi, tp ada sedikit info yg sy rasakan sgt sesuai utk dikongsi bersama. Video di bwh ni pd pendapat sy boleh dijadikan rujukan yg sesuai dalam latihan larian terutama utk pelari geli2 cam kita ni. Kalo beli majalah Runner's World tiap2 bulan pun, balik2 diorg citer bende ni jugak. Jd kalo nk jadi pelari geli2 yg ceria, tanpa ada masalah 'injury' yg memungkinkan kita terpaksa berehat lama, boleh lah ikut panduan seperti video di bawah ... ye arr, dh la geli2 pastu salah buat dh injured kaki ... x pasal2 kena rehat lama. Kalo wakil negara masuk Olimpik tu mmg kena la ngan latihan jerih yg mudah mengundang injury kan ... ni stakat chap ayam jek ... hehehe.

Utk kemudahan semua (just in case, korang x dpt tgk video tu), sy sertakan subskrip seperti apa yg dinyatakan oleh Bart Yasso ini.

Sedikit mengenai Bart Yasso: Salah seorg yg berjaya ber'marathon' di semua 7 benua (termasuk Antartica dan pergunungan Kilimanjaro), bergelar Ironman sebyk 5 kali, merupakan pengasas 'Yasso 800s', satu 'marathon-training schedule' yang digunakan oleh pelari2 seluruh dunia. Merupakan 'Chief Running Officer' di Runner's World (RW) dan coach RW's Challenge. Senang citer, apa yg dia ckp, boleh pakai la, haha!

3 keys to stay healthy and injury free

1 - Running Rule: Do not run too fast
You cannot simulate a race everyday. Your long run must at a pace 60-90 seconds slower than your race pace. If you run too fast in your training run, you're just gonna break down over time. Easy run should be done at what I call conversational pace. You should be able to run and carry on a conversation with someone you're running with.

2 - Running Rule: Do not run too far
I'm talking about your weekly mileage and the mileage on your long run. Your weekly mileage do not add any more than about 10% per week increase. On your long run, just add on 1 to 2 miles per week as you increase your long run. After you increase mileage for 3 to 4 weeks, take a break and start the circle all over again.

3 - Running Rule: Do not run too often
I always tell people rest days are part of the training. Recovery days are part of the training and they're just as important as your quality days. You rest and recover, you'll be able to be quicker and faster on those quality workout days. You can also use cross training. Go for a little bike ride, go for a swim, or even a walk. Anything you can do, to take a day off to help you recover. Listen to your body, a lot of time they send you that signal. If you take that rest, it'll keep you injury free.

Okay, sy harap korang dpt memanfaatkan apa yg dapat dipelajari dr video ini. Semoga berjaya!

Keep on Running! :)

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